Enabling ROSA Support

To enable support for ROSA HCP clusters, the ROSA feature flag must be set to true. This can be done using the EXP_ROSA environment variable.

Make sure to set up your AWS environment first as described here.

export EXP_ROSA="true"
export EXP_MACHINE_POOL="true"
clusterctl init --infrastructure aws


To check the feature-gates for the Cluster API controller run the following command:

$ kubectl get deploy capi-controller-manager -n capi-system -o yaml

the feature gate container arg should have MachinePool=true as shown below.

  - args:
    - --feature-gates=MachinePool=true,ClusterTopology=true,...

To check the feature-gates for the Cluster API AWS controller run the following command:

$ kubectl get deploy capa-controller-manager -n capa-system -o yaml

the feature gate arg should have ROSA=true as shown below.

  - args:
    - --feature-gates=ROSA=true,...