Publish AMIs

Publishing new AMIs is done via manually invoking a GitHub Actions workflow.

NOTE: the plan is to ultimately fully automate the process in the future (see this issue for progress).

NOTE: there are some issues with the RHEL based images at present.

Get build inputs

For a new Kubernetes version that you want to build an AMI for you will need to determine the following values:

kubernetes_semverThe semver version of k8s you want to build an AMI for. In format vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.
kubernetes_seriesThe release series for the Kubernetes version. In format vMAJOR.MINOR.
kubernetes_deb_versionThe version of the debian package for the release.
kubernetes_rpm_versionThe version of the rpm package for the release
kubernetes_cni_semverThe version of CNI to include. It needs to match the k8s release.
kubernetes_cni_deb_versionThe version of the debian package for the CNI release to use
crictl_versionThe vesion of the cri-tools package to install into the AMI

You can determine these values directly or by looking at the publish debian apt repositories for the k8s release.


Using GitHub Actions Workflow

To build the AMI using GitHub actions you must have write access to the CAPA repository (i.e. be a maintainer or part of release team).

To build the new version:

  1. Got to the GitHub Action
  2. Click the Start Workflow button
  3. Fill in the details of the build
  4. Click Run


**WARNING: the manual process should only be followed in exceptional circumstances.

To build manually you must have admin access to the CNCF AWS account used for the AMIs.

The steps to build manually are:

  1. Clone image-builder
  2. Open a terminal
  3. Set the AWS environment variables for the CAPA AMI account
  4. Change directory into images/capi
  5. Create a new file called vars.json with the following content (substituing the values with the build inputs):
    "kubernetes_rpm_version": "<INSERT_INPUT_VALUE>",
    "kubernetes_semver": "<INSERT_INPUT_VALUE>",
    "kubernetes_series": "<INSERT_INPUT_VALUE>",
    "kubernetes_deb_version": "<INSERT_INPUT_VALUE>",
    "kubernetes_cni_semver": "<INSERT_INPUT_VALUE>",
    "kubernetes_cni_deb_version": "<INSERT_INPUT_VALUE>",
    "crictl_version": "<INSERT_INPUT_VALUE>"
  1. Install dependencies by running:
make deps-ami
  1. Build the AMIs using:
PACKER_VAR_FILES=vars.json make build-ami-ubuntu-2204
PACKER_VAR_FILES=vars.json make build-ami-ubuntu-2404
PACKER_VAR_FILES=vars.json make build-ami-flatcar
PACKER_VAR_FILES=vars.json make build-ami-rhel-8

Additional Information

  • The AMIs are hosted in a CNCF owned AWS account (819546954734).
  • The AWS resources that are needed to support the GitHub Actions workflow are created via terraform. Source is here.
  • OIDC and IAM Roles are used to grant access via short lived credentials to the GitHub Action workflow instance when it runs.